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If you’re a woodworker and want to buy or build a table saw, it’s important to know the different types of work tables that are available. There is one type of work tables that has become very popular in recent years, and these are what is commonly referred to as “DIY table saw tables”.
The DIY table saw table is basically a platform with some kind of fence (which may be adjustable) that holds the material being cut and provides support for the material which cannot move out from underneath when cutting which is accomplished by moving the blade over it while standing above it.
This article will provide some information on what this type of work station can be used for.
DIY table saw tables are often the same height as a regular workbench which is about waist high on an adult. They usually have some kind of fence which can be adjusted to any length which allows this type of table to be used for rips and crosscuts as well as miters.
Many of these tables have guides that attach to a sliding crosscut sled so tables can be quickly cut to length at any angle with very little effort. Some of these tables have a pocket hole in them that is sized so you can use clamps, hold downs etc. so you don’t have to clamp them down on the table saw itself at the expense or sacrificing safety and accuracy.
The other type of work tables includes the typical woodworking bench that is used in most workshops.
Most of these benches have a top that is roughly a foot above the floor so when you’re working on the bench you can usually work at a height that is comfortable for you.
Many of the benches are made from materials like plywood or hardwood which means they’re a lot sturdier and more stable than a homemade table saw table. Some have features like holes in them that allow clamps or hold downs to be used and moved anywhere on the workbench easily with little effort.

How to Build a Table Saw Table
Equipment Needed:
- Best Cabinet Table Saw
- Clamps
- Extra Blade
- Angle Grinder
Materials Needed:
- Wood (Preferably Plywood)
Duration: 30-45 Minutes
Budget: $30-$50 (USD)
Cutting and assembly:
Before starting, make sure that all of the accessories and parts are assembled above and below your table saw. It’s very important that everything is working properly before you begin cutting material on it – if there are any problems, they’ll be discovered when your work is cut on it. If you are using a benchtop table saw or other types of work table, you will want to do the same thing. For a good workstation, it’s wise to make sure everything works properly before starting any work.
Once everything has been assembled, you’ll want to cut the pieces of wood using the table saw. You can use either normal two by four material (2 x 4 or 2 x 10) or plywood for this depending on your budget and what type of work you plan on doing.
The cutting process is the same – you’ll want to set the height of your blade and position your miter gauge to the correct position and then cut the wood as normal. If you have any problems, refer back to the last step of breaking down your parts.
Finally, after everything has been cut (roughly) you will need to attach any components to your table saw table. You can do this using wood glue which works well for this type of work but in some cases some people may prefer screws as they can be more permanent than glue.
Screws are better suited for professional use and will hold up better under heavy abuse when all the other materials are not so strong or durable such as plywood or laminate.
Where you attach the parts is up to you but typically a good place for this is at the front of the piece on the top (the surface that will get most of the abuse) and into the back of it on both sides (where less abuse occurs)
Finished table saw table work station:
With a DIY worktable saw, you can make what is often referred to as an “ultimate” woodworking table saw.
This will consist of a top and bottom which are joined together with either screws or pins. The two sides will be attached using normal two by four material (2 x 4 or 2 x 10).
In addition, there will be a rip fence that can be used on either side.
How to Build a Table Saw Table Video
DIY Table Saw Outfeed Table
How to Build a Table Saw Outfeed Table
Equipment Needed:
- Angle Grinder
Materials Needed:
- 1 x 4 or 1 x 6 Hardwood lumber for the top of the outfeed table (cut it to size)
- 2 x 4 or 2 x 10 lumber for the bottom of the outfeed table (cut it to size)
- 1/4 inch plywood for the side of the outfeed table
- 6 ft. PVC piping
Duration: 30-45 Minutes
Budget: $30-$50 (USD)
Step 1: Deciding where to place the outfeed table
-As stated before, you can use any space that you would like for the outfeed table. However, choosing a location that is close to your router and/or dust collection system will make it easier for you when using these tools as well as make it easier for you to have access to your workpiece.
Step 2: Cutting your wood pieces (drawers)
Take all of the required pieces and cut them to size with a miter saw or circular saw before putting them together. It is best to cut all of the lumber before putting it building the outfeed table as this will save time when putting it together.
Step 3: Building the base
-Once you have cut your wood pieces, place them together to form a rectangle shape. This will become the base of your outfeed table. Make sure that the edges are flush and secure with screws. (Make sure that you use 2.5″ screws for this project)
Step 4: Attaching your top to your base
-To attach the top to your base, make two inches of wood spacers and place them on each side of your outfeed table. Place another piece of lumber on top of these spacers which will become the dimensions for where you attach your top. Screw the top to the base using 3.5″ long screws and secure with wood glue. Check that your outfeed table is at a height of 7-8″.
Step 5: Attaching your top to your sides
-The next step will be attaching the sides to your router table top. These will be placed on the back of your outfeed table and screwed into place using 6″ wood screws. Place a level on top of these pieces of lumber to make sure they are square before attaching them.
Step 6: Installing the drip tray
-Cut a piece of wood to the dimensions that you want your drip tray to be and attach it using screws. I made mine about 8 1/2 inches wide and 7″ deep. The height of your drip tray will be up to you as this is dependent on what type of miter saw you have. Make sure that you place the screws at least an inch below the top and not too close to the edge either or there is a chance for them to come out when moving your pieces of wood across the table. I used a hole saw to cut two holes on either side of my drip tray for my miter saw arms and secured with screws. The bottom of my drip tray is 7″ wide with two 3/4″ holes on either side to mount it to a work surface of your choosing.
I chose 1/2″ thick MDF for my cutting surfaces in the plans and decided that the inside of the drawer was going to be varnish coated pine. I cut a 4 ½” x 12″ piece for the drawer front and used it as a template to cut all the rest of the pieces. I used something called Biscuit Sandpaper which you can use to sand your surfaces down to a smooth finish. I recommend sanding it with 100 grit sandpaper before varnishing as it will give your surface a smooth finish.
Step 7: Attaching the drawer sides to the cutting surfaces
-Before applying a coat of varnish to your project, attach your drawer sides to your router table top using wood screws. Screw them in place to the back side of your outfeed table and make sure they are flush with one another. You may need a small piece of wood that is cut to size for this step.
Step 8: Attaching the drawer front to the cutting surfaces
-Next, you will want to attach your drawer fronts to your outfeed table using wood glue and wood screws. Make sure that you make pilot holes in your drawer fronts before inserting the screws. I only had a 3/8″ drill bit which is why my pilot holes are so big but it worked for me.
Step 9: Installing the router fence support beam (optional)
-Before attaching your router fence, you can install a steel beam on the inside of your outfeed table. This beam will be installed from the bottom of your table to the top on both sides and will help support your fence and prevent it from sagging.
-Before installing your router fence, you can hang pictures on the inside of your drawer front using removable mounting squares. These mounting squares will allow you to move them around whenever you would like.
Step 10: Attaching the router fence (optional)
-Installing a router fence to an outfeed table is optional but will give you more room to work with for future projects that include cutting wood for doors or frames. Before attaching your fence, it is recommended that you put a piece of wood or scrap MDF on the bottom stand which will allow you to get the height of your fence adjusted. I used a 1/4″ x 3″ piece of plywood for this purpose and placed the router fence on top of it.
-Using 4 screws per side, attach your fence to the outfeed table using wood glue. After you have attached it to the table, make sure that it is square with the table by placing a level on top of it.
Congrats! You’ve now finished doing your own outfeed table!
DIY Table Saw Outfeed Table Video
How to Make a Cheap Table Saw Better
There are a few ways that you can make your cheap table saw better.
Installing an outfeed table will improve your unit as it will be the surface which supports the piece of wood as you cut it. This will help to eliminate any possibility of snipe on the end of your cuts.
You can also purchase a router fence for your saw if you plan on using it for more than just cutting wood boards for construction projects.
Lastly, you can use a more aggressive saw blade. This will widen the cut and give you more clearance to the end of your board.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Will I need another blade guard for a new table saw table?
No, your current blade guard will work well.
Is a bench saw compatible with a table saw table?
Yes, you can place your bench saw on top of your new table saw table for better cuts.
Will I need another riving knife for a new table saw table?
No, your current riving knife will work well.
Do I need a table saw stand for diy table saw table?
With this guide we already discussed the table saw table with the frame, so you don’t need an extra stand. However, learning how to make a standalone diy table saw stand for a portable table saw is a great thing as well.
DIY Table Saw Table
Final Thoughts
This ends our How To Guide of DIY Table Saw Table.
Now that you know more about the DIY table saw table, you can branch out more into better extensions by learning how to do a DIY Table Saw Extension with an outfeed table. When you learn this your workshop will never be like what it was before.
We hope the knowledge you gained here will help you in the future with your DIY or Professional Woodworking projects. We want you to be sure of that what you get from us are 100% facts, so please don’t hesitate to ask for advice or to advise us in return with accurate facts.
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