How to Use an Adjustable Wrench

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You can learn how to use an adjustable wrench in these easy simple steps:
> Identify the fastener (nuts or bolts) you will tighten
> Open the Wrench Jaw at a size bigger than the nut or bolt
> Slip the jaw in place and tighten the grip it with the mechanism
> Turn the wrench Clockwise or Counterclockwise
> Remove the Wrench

Below we will discuss in detail the steps above on how to use an adjustable wrench!

You can also apply the same method with the other types of adjustable wrenches.

Identify the fastener (nuts or bolts) you will tighten

This is the first step that a student must learn. It is important to learn a different tool for every type of nut or bolt.

Identify the fastener (nuts or bolts) you will tighten
How to Use an Adjustable Wrench

Open the Wrench Jaw at a size bigger than the nut or bolt

The wrench jaw is placed over the nut or bolt and opened by the skew mechanism and this also protects you from applying too much force on to the fastener and even in some cases, when you try to remove the wrench with barely any of it in place, it will not come off because you did not open it enough keeping it tight and secure.

Slip the jaw in place and tighten it with the mechanism

The jaw is placed over the nut or bolt and tightened with the mechanism and this is what makes the adjustable wrench the most preferred wrench because of its ease of use.

If you’re using a monkey wrench, an alternative to the adjustable wrench, then it would be best to leverage the upper jaw for better torque and anchor it to the pipe or nut or bolt.

Slip the jaw in place and tighten it with the mechanism
How to Use an Adjustable Wrench

Turn the wrench Clockwise or Counterclockwise

Turning the adjustable wrench clockwise or counterclockwise means you tighten or loosen the fastener, and keep on doing this until you have securely tightened the nut or bolt or successfully loosen it.

Remove the Wrench

The wrench can be removed when it is fully tightened or loosened and if you are fast, you do not have to keep a forceful grip on the wrench while turning it.

It really is that easy.

Now you can go use your adjustable wrench anywhere anytime!

How to use an Adjustable Wrench Video

Below is a video that discusses the proper way to use an adjustable wrench:

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