can you break a diamond with a hammer

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Can you break a diamond with a hammer? The answer may surprise you!


A diamond is extremely hard, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be broken. In fact, diamonds are regularly shattered during the course of their creation and use. The only thing that can really break a diamond is another diamond. However, if you hit a diamond with a hammer, it will most likely just scratch the surface.

What is a Diamond?

A diamond is a precious stone that is typically used in jewelry. It is made up of carbon atoms that are arranged in a crystal structure. Diamonds are the hardest known natural material and they can only be cut with another diamond.

The Hardness of Diamonds

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can break a diamond with a hammer, the answer is yes and no. It all depends on how hard you hit it.

Diamonds are extremely hard, but that doesn’t mean they’re unbreakable. In fact, diamonds are actually quite brittle and will chip or crack if hit too hard. So, if you hit a diamond with a hammer, it might not break immediately, but it will eventually develop cracks and chips.

The best way to test a diamond’s hardness is to use the Mohs scale of hardness. This scale ranks minerals from 1 to 10 based on their hardness. Diamonds rank at the very top of the scale with a hardness of 10. This means that diamonds can only be scratched by other diamonds (or materials that are equally as hard).

So, while you can technically break a diamond with a hammer, it’s not going to be easy!

Can You Break a Diamond with a Hammer?

It’s a common misconception that diamonds are the hardest material on Earth. In fact, they’re not even close. There are a number of materials that are harder than diamonds, including moissanite and cubic boron nitride. So, if diamonds aren’t the hardest material on Earth, can you break them with a hammer?

The answer is yes and no. You can technically break a diamond with a hammer, but it’s extremely difficult and requires a lot of force. The vast majority of people would not be able to do it. Even if you could break a diamond with a hammer, it wouldn’t be an effective way to cut or shape the stone. Diamonds are very brittle, so they tend to shatter when hit with hard objects like hammers.

The Bottom Line

No, you cannot break a diamond with a hammer. A hammer is simply not hard enough to make an impact on a diamond, which is one of the hardest materials on earth. In fact, it would take something much harder than a hammer to even scratch the surface of a diamond.


Q: Can you break a diamond with a hammer?
A: While you can damage or chip a diamond with a hard blow from a hammer, it would be very difficult to completely shatter one. Diamonds are extremely tough and durable, and they’re rated 10 on the Mohs hardness scale (which means they’re as hard as sapphires and rubies). So, while it’s possible to break a diamond with a hammer, it would take quite a bit of force.


No, you cannot break a diamond with a hammer. Diamonds are one of the hardest materials on Earth, and they can only be scratched by other diamonds. When struck with a hammer, a diamond will simply bounce off without being damaged.


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